The Hangar Y in Meudon

Open to the public since March 2023, Hangar Y is the cultural and events destination of Greater Paris. As part of a sponsorship partnership, each year Art Explora Foundation presents an exhibition at this crossroads of art, science and technology, history and nature.

Le Hangar Y

The world's first airship hangar, Hangar Y was built in 1878. Left fallow for 40 years, Hangar Y was reborn as a cultural and events center after months of renovation. By 2023, the Hangar Y will be a cultural destination open to all: families, art lovers, science enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Adeline Bommart - Sébastien Rageul

Hangar Y is :

  • The new cultural and events destination of Greater Paris, located in Meudon in the heart of the national forest estate.
  • A historic monument of exceptional dimensions, from which the world's first dirigible balloon flew.
  • A 9-hectare park classified as a National Estate
  • A Restaurant
  • A Workshop

Programming at Hangar Y :

  • Two exhibitions a year combining the themes of science, nature and art
  • An outdoor art trail featuring some twenty works by major contemporary artists
  • L'Épopée du Hangar Y, a mixed-reality experience that lets you relive the site's mythical history in situ.

Le Hangar Y has developed a programme sponsorship program inaugurated by Art Explora in2023 with:‍

- An exhibition produced by Art Explora and presented at Hangar Y from March to September 2023
- A programme reception area managed by Art Explora, providing access to the site for local audiences and those far removed from culture.

Mediation systems

With the aim of involving all publics in the artistic discovery of this magical place, Art Explora Foundation is also developing specific mediation activities:

  • The production of original podcasts for young and old, to be found in the exhibition and on Art Explora Academy.
  • The design of a fun exhibition booklet for families, created by designer Sophie Cure
  • Discovery workshops for local associations and schools

Air and Space Museum

‍Theworld's firstairship factory, Hangar Y was built for the 1878 Universal Exhibition . In 2021, architects DATA and Urban Act, landscape designer Christian Fournet and Vinci are commissioned by HY développement to renovate the site and turn it into a major cultural and event destination.

‍LeHangar Y in a few dates:

  • 1659 : Creation of the royal perspective with the Chalais pond in the gardens of Château de Meudon, by Le Nôtre.  
  • 1878 : Construction of Hangar Y in Meudon using parts from the Galerie des Machines, to house the airships of the Établissement Central de l'Aérostation Militaire.  
  • 1990 : Assignment of the site and Hangar Y to the Ministry of Culture.  
  • 2000 : Hangar Y listed as a historic monument.
  • ‍2021: Launch of work on Hangar Y to transform it into a cultural and events venue.  
  • ‍2023 : Hangar Y opens to the public.  

Hangar Y in figures:

  • 3900m2 of indoor exhibition space
  • 10 hectares of unique natural space around the building
  • 1 waterside restaurant
  • 1 workshop with 4 private rooms
  • 200,000 visitors expected every year